tisdag 13 mars 2012

Playlist 12/3 2012

Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds - From Her To Eternity (Mute 1984)

Munly & The Lee Lewis Harlots - S/T (Alternative Tentacles 2004)

AIDS Wolf - The Lovvers LP (Skin Graft 2006)

Retox - S/T 7'' (Three One G 2011)

Retox - Ugly Animals (Three One G 2011)

Wreck And Reference - The Black Cassette (Flenser Records 2011)

Throbbing Gristle - D.o.A: The Third and Final Report (Industrial Records 1978)

Also looked at this:

From my live performance last saturday, as Herr S-H, at Solna HQ's 2 year anniversary.