onsdag 28 september 2011

Late summer and early fall (of mankind?)

Nicoffeine! Was in Berlin last weekend and finally got my chance to see them live. First heard about them from Arthur (Under The Pledge Of Secrecy), the promoter who organized two Digression Assassins shows at AZ Aachen 2008/9. I was looking through a box of vinyls he had brought with him to the show in 2008 and he showed me the two he had with them and told me about it. I was instantly intrigued but being on tour, I had other things to use my money for, like food, so I didn't buy them, but as soon as I came home I started scanning the net for music to dl. Since I didn't find anything they sort of disappeared from under my radar until the next year I was in Aachen with D.A again, but again, wasn't that rich ufortunately. So I didn't buy a vinyl then either. It wasn't until this year actually, when hosting sites made the music search a whole lot easier that I actually came across the three latest albums (Savant Lies Away From Home, Admiring Those Artholes and Lighthealer Stalking Flashplayer) that I finally got the chance to listen to more than live clips and videos on youtube. They blew me away, just as I had expected, it only took 3 years. I listened quite a lot to those three albums, and then when me and a friend decided to go to Berlin and visit friends there I saw that they were playing our first night there. So, of course, there was no question about it. I had to see it live! And it was an amazing show. I don't even know how to describe it, on record the rock is a lot more audiable or how to decribe it, but on stage this three-piece was controlled chaos. Impressive, hard-hitting and technically skilled drummer Jörg Schneider in the back, guitarist/vocalist Soheyl Nassary in the middle to the right, stomping on effects, screaming, headbanging, completely shattering all pre-existing thoughts of how to use a guitar, and at the front, lefty side of Schneider, bassplayer Guido Lucas. Him I don't even know how to describe, a very friendly looking man, possibly around his fifties (forgive me Guido if I'm wrong), wiping sweat from his forehead with the curtains to the stage and ordering (getting?) drinks from the audience. It was a massive sonic assault and as soon as it was over I was over by the merch stand to get my hands on a number of vinyls. Bought "Savant..." and "Lighthealer...", then got talked into getting the split with Lude instead of "Admiring...". Then I started talking to Soheyl and Guido and said that if they were interested I would love to do a tape release with them on my label and that I really wanted to try and bring them to Stockholm for a show. Now, a couple of days later, a release has been decided and Nicoffeine will release a 40 min live set on a tape through Ominous Recordings and I have already started to get in touch with contacts in order to try and get them a 4-5 dates mini tour through Sweden. I guess that Stockholm will be the hardest place to get them a good venue, preferred supporting bands and the audience. But I'll work on that. Well, enough excitement and egoboosts, back to music. AIDS Wolf is amazing Arab On Radar-ish noiserock with female vocals. Really noisey, atonal, freakishly improv-feeling-y and harsh. Have listened a lot to The Lovvers LP, Cities of Glass and March to the Sea. Also listened a lot to A.H. Kraken and actually contacted them to ask them if they would be interested in releasing a tape on Ominous, but all I got was the very sad news that they are no longer active and have disbanded. Their debut album "Elle avait peut-être 19 ans mais pour moi elle en aura toujours 12" is amazing. The new wave of no wave! After a quick listen to a friends ipod I went home and looked up Phantom Pregnancies and have played their album "The Compilation That Could Have Been A Contender" a load of times, really skronky punk/rock (the good kind you know). After stocking up on some ugExplode items and getting some for myself of course, I really got hooked on the band White Suns, they recently released thir debut album on ugExplode, entitled "Waking In The Reservoir" and is well worth both your money and time. Really noisey punk/hc/sludge!

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