lördag 22 maj 2010

Orcivus, Saturnalia Temple & Ofermod - Live at The Cave 21/5 2010

They start so fast and without a word that it seems more comic than evil. And it just continues, the singer has the usual, guttural, forceless kind of vocal that never, ever impresses me. And the music is the same kind of Black Metal clichés that you've heard over and over again. It was like Marduks even more ungifted little brother. The bassplayer standing straight up, not moving more than his head, and barely that. I think he was trying to look cool, or evil, or grim, or true, but he just seemed frostbitten. The guitarist had his hair in front of his face, banging his head, but probably looking at the fret board, but masking that with his hair. The singer, with his hands firmly on his thighs, headbanged as well, when he wasn't pointing or giving the crowd the devil horns.
It felt like youth center Black Metal, but you got to give them some credit for being a realtively unknown band and still walking on stage with spikes, corpse paint and leather pants. They convinced some in the crowd, but I hope they had a hard time convincing themselves.

Saturnalia Temple

It's hard for me to be impartial when it comes to this band, because they were the reason for me going to this show. I've known the bass player for 6 years or so, and we've been involved in musical projects together since then.
I'm not the kind of person to write up friends even though I don't like their band, just because their friends. But Saturnalia Temple is a great band. Musically it's a mixture of Electric Wizard and Sleep, heavy as hell and groovy as fuck. This is the third time I'm seeing them live, and it's a pleasure to see them every time.
And the bass player succeeds with looking both sexy, cute and evil, I can't help to get a bit of a man-crush on him.


I have to admit that I was a bit sceptical before they started playing. I listened to the Mystérion Tés Anomias 7'' quite a lot back in my Black Metal-days, but I wasn't that big a fan of Tiamtü. It's not a bad record at all, but I just haven't got that feeling that a record needs to give me. So, again, I was a bit sceptic, but when they started playing, all doubts were gone. It was really great, and I'm glad that I was one of the people who saw Ofermod play live in Sweden for the first time. Since I'm not that familiar with the new material, I have no idea which songs they played, and it's been too long for me to know if they even played anything from Mystérion Tés Anomias .
The singer had a hooded cape and a t-shirt saying "Make War Not Love", a statement which feels very 2003, together with all the other slogans stating: "Legalize Murder", "Establish World Peace: Kill Everyone" and such. But it's easy to forgive that, because he was an amzing stage persona. Without doing that much actually. He had this authority, and that goes for the others in the band as well. They owned that stage, unlike Orcivus who didn't own shit.
A fun (or not) side note is that Michaya, the man, the myth, the legend, kicked a guy in the face during the show. The guy had appearantly yelled "Eat pussy, you fucking whore" or something like that, so the guy got a foot in the face as a thank you.
I think I need to give Tiamtü another listen after last nights show.

1 kommentar:

  1. Tackar för det. Du är ju nästan inte ett dugg creepy
