lördag 20 februari 2010

Floe Fountain Releaseparty

Today Ominous Recordings is releasing the anticipated, new, and possibly last, Floe Fountain recording. "Infinipolar" is released on both Tape (6 tracks) and 3'' CDr (5 Tracks). Floe Fountains well-made mixture of pop sensibillity and Ex Models-kind of fucked-up rock is head turning. The spastic drums, the epileptic guitar riffs, the keys and the vocal twists and turns between soft crooning and hysterical screams is amazing.

The releaseparty is held at Lava / Kulturhuset, in Stockholm, together with Klubb Static. On stage Chicken El Diablo and Pistol Disco will perform. And Ominous will be there to unvail the Floe Fountain-madness.

Visit the website here to get your copy if your not attending this evening!

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