söndag 21 februari 2010

Two nights, five live acts, new items in the collection

On saturday Ominous Recordings unveiled the latest floe fountain release. I had planned on having a releaseparty, and the band were supposed to be playing. But we didn't find a venue to play at, the band have more or less been placed on ice and the mixing delayed the release with a week. So the releaseparty was held together with a friend who has her club, organizing shows in Stockholm and Göteborg.
On stage this evening were Chicken El Diablo and Pistol Disco.
I had listened to both acts on myspace, and felt that Pistol Disco might be a little bit to pop-ish, even though their music could be described as pop/drone. But I really appreciated Chicken El Diablos post-punk-ish songs on myspace.
But live it was completely opposite. Chicken El Diablo was good, but not really that gripping. But Pistol Disco really made my evening. The drones in their pop really stood out when they performed live and it was really good.
I traded a tape with one of the guys working at Kulturhuset:
"Händer Som Vårdar - Korridorblick"

Also got the following from Flacon Recordings:
Gall Bladder - Hypnoskopik Fieldtrix MC
Coca-Cola 3 - Pipkrake MC
Coca-Cola 3 - Moby MC

On sunday, I went back to Kulturhuset igen, to attend the "Ny Musik För Hållbar Utveckling" evening. Three bands were playing, one of them which I'm thinking of releasing on Ominous, so it was like an audition for them.
The first band, Once We Were Wolves, was shit, and I mean that in the purest of all shits. It was an untalented mixture of Kent and U2. The guitar riffs were so cliché than it was almost embarassing, and the vocals and lyrics were in the same vein. And I bet they thought they were really deep and dark and sad. In my opinion it was pretentious crap. But the audience seemed to like it.
After that it was time for Lust For Youth, and it was really mindblowing. Droneish noise, pulsating and with some sort of embedded beat and melody. Unfortunately all their tapes got sold out before I had the chance to get me one, but they are returning in May, and I hope to get my hands on a tape then. Or I might just order some from their label.
After Lust For Youth it was time for Munnen. Munnen is the drummer from Floe Fountain, which I have released on Ominous, the man behind Telephone Melts, which I'm planning on releaseing on Ominous, the guitarist from Discodrift and a fourth guy who previously was in Floe Fountain as well.
It was a awesome mixture of postpunk, funk and no wave and it was really, really good.
I'm thinking about maybe giving them a tape on Ominous this year as well, but it depends on time and funds.
Also got my hands on the 10'' LP "Utmarken" from Release The Bats in Göteborg

It was a really great musical weekend and I've got some really interesting stuff to dig deep into this week.

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